Welcome to the Middle School Blog!

View our blog to see what is happening in the Middle School this year.

We will be publishing samples of our work, newsletters, photos and videos.

It will be wonderful if you can leave a comment so we can get some feedback from family and friends.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Have a look at our reading groups wall wisher.
Roc Doc by MrsA
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Dear Parents

Today your child will come home with their stationery.
These books will need to be named and covered.

The books are for:
1E5 Maths
3 A5 books.
Diary/Written language

1L5 Topic Book
A6 Spelling notebook.

Over the next few weeks your child will come home with a homework book which is either
provided by the school or is left over from last year, and is provided by the sponsors on the
cover. These books can not be covered if there are sponsors shown.

Next term new homework books will be provided free for all children.

If you have any concerns please feel free to ask your child’s classroom teacher.

It would be great if all books could be named and covered by next Monday.

Yours sincerely
Middle School teachers.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A Blog is an on-line website where children can access, exchange and receive information from their teachers, their classmates and from other people around the world.

We can use the Blog to:
Share resources and access on-line learning activities;
Share students work and learning;
Provide up to date information on what is happening in the Middle School;
Communicate with parents and the wider world;
Provide opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom;
Learn new ICT skills;
Provide motivation, excitement and fun!

As you can see the Blog is an amazing tool which has huge potential to enhance children’s learning. If you want to see an example of how a blog was used follow this link to Room21’s last years blog. http://mcroom21.blogspot.com/

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment or talk to a Middle School teacher. We look forward to a year full of fun, excitement and Blogging.